Difficult Areas of Inflammatory Dermatoses Short Course Programme

Short Course: Difficult Areas of Inflammatory Dermatoses

May 17, 2017 14:30 pm – 17:00 pm


Chairperson and Course Director: Anjela Galan, MD

Faculty: Anjela Galan, MD, Jose Cardoso, MD, Margot Peters, MD


Course Objectives:

During this session, the attendees will advance their knowledge in difficult areas of inflammatory dermatoses, including granulomatous/histiocytic and neutrophilic dermatoses, and panniculitis.

  • 14:30-15:20 Anjela Galan, MD. : Granulomatous/Histiocytic Dermatoses

Summary: In the expanding spectrum of granulomatous /histiocytic pattern, awareness of novel associations and clinico-pathologic correlation will prove helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis and guiding the treatment.

  •  15:20-16:10 Jose Cardodo, MD. : Neutrophilic Dermatoses

Summary: Overview of neutrophilic dermatoses in terms of definition, classification, clinico-pathologic presentation and diagnostic approach. The theoretical part will be complemented by presentation of practical clinico-pathologic cases.

  • 16:10-17:00 Margot Peters, MD. : Panniculitis

Summary: Improve diagnostic confidence by enhanced understanding of:

A) Key clinical and histopathological presentations of panniculitis.

B) Diagnostic challenges associated with overlap in clinical and histopathological features.
