吴谋 单位:永利yl23411集团 数据科学与大数据教研室 职称:副教授 出生:1980.10
性别:男 联系方式:mou.wu@163.com |
研究领域:基于机器学习的分布式网络算法分析、设计与优化, 自适应网络的性能优化、智能传感器网络
l Mou Wu, Naixue Xiong, and Liansheng Tan, “Adaptive Range-based Target Localization Using Diffusion Gauss-Newton Method in Industrial Environments”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 5919-5930, Nov. 2019 (SCI, IF=7.377, JCR一区,中科院一区Top期刊).
l Naixue Xiong, Mou Wu*(通信作者), Victor C. M. Leung and Laurence T. Yang, “The Effective Cooperative Diffusion Strategies with Adaptation Ability by Learning Across Adaptive Network-Wide Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2931060, 2019, in press (SCI, IF=7.351, JCR一区,中科院1区Top期刊).
l Mou Wu, Naixue Xiong and Liansheng Tan. “An Intelligent Adaptive Algorithm for Environment Parameter Estimation in Smart Cities”, IEEE Access, 2018(6), 23325-23337 (SCI, IF=4.098, google被引用次数: 7, JCR一区,中科院二区)
l Mou Wu, Liansheng Tan. “An adaptive distributed parameter estimation approach in incremental cooperative wireless sensor networks”, AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2017(79), 307-316. (SCI, IF=2.853, JCR二区,中科院三区)
l Mou Wu, Liansheng Tan, Rong Yang, et al. “An improved incremental Least-Mean squares algorithm for distributed estimation over wireless sensor networks”, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2017, 13(4), DOI: 10.1177/1550147717703967. (SCI, IF=1.614, JCR三区,中科院四区)
l Mou Wu, Liansheng Tan and Naixue Xiong. “Data prediction, compression, and recovery in clustered wireless sensor networks for environmental monitoring applications”, Information Sciences, 2016 Feb.; 329:800-818 (SCI, IF=5.524, ESI 1%高被引, google被引用次数: 158, JCR一区,中科院二区Top期刊).
l Liansheng Tan, Mou Wu. “Data reduction in wireless sensor networks: a hierarchical LMS prediction approach”, IEEE sensors journal, 2016 Mar.; 16(6):1708-1715 (SCI, IF=3.076, google被引用次数: 53, JCR二区,中科院三区).
l Mou Wu, Liansheng Tan and Naixue Xiong. “A Structure Fidelity Approach for Big Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Sensors, 2015 Jan.; 15(1):248-273 (SCI, IF=3.031, google被引用次数:29, JCR二区,中科院三区).
l Mou Wu, Dai W, Wang Z, et al. “Node Localization Based on Incremental Lms Algorithm with Variable Step Size,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), IEEE, 2017, 2: 109-113. (EI)
l Mou Wu, Junzhe Zhao, Wenhua Dai, Xueqin Gui, “A Range-based Adaptive Target Localization Method in Wireless Sensor Networks With Mobile Anchors” in the Proceedings of 2018 2nd IEEE Advanced Information Management, Communicates, Electronic and Automation Control Conference, May 25-27,2018 Xian, China. (EI)
2. 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划项目, B2017181, 支持 QoS 的无线传感器网络的分布式估计算法研究, 2017/01-2018/12,已结题,主持
3.yL23411永利官网登录博士启动基金项目, BK1520, 基于无线传感器网络的数据采集与分布式处理的研究,2016年01月-2017年12月,已结题,主持
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 61370107,针对通信时滞与信道干扰的无线网络实时资源分配与性能优化, 2014/01-2017/12,已结题,参与
5.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 61070197,影响 3G 网络性能的关键问题研究,2011/01-2014/12,已结题,参与